Tag: my wander stories

You’ll Never Forget the First Time You Saw the Northern Lights

I was staying at an inn near Skaftafell (on the east coast of Iceland). I’ve had plenty of wake-up calls in my life, but never an “Aurora Wake-Up Call” – which we of coursed opt-into.

Before retiring, we had a quick bite – too bad I barely had a spoonful of my kjotsupa (Icelandic lamb stew) before the alarm sounded. Incoming aurora!

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Arctic Diving

I learned to dive at a young age. One summer when I was maybe 7 or 8 my parents bought an above-ground pool and one of the first things my dad did was set up his scuba gear on a float and teach me to dive. You see my father had been diving for years. Read More

Snacks on a Plane

I’m never one to judge someone on saving a few dollars where they can so completely understand when travelers forgo the outrageously priced airport food, opting to pack a snack from home instead. Unfortunately, on our trip to Bali my brother learned the hard way that there are limits to brown-bagging it. To be fair, Read More

They call him Flipper

Actually, they call him Paulo. And he lives at the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas. And apparently I scared him. One cold blustery January, we traveled to the Bahamas to stay at Atlantis. Aside from endless pools to lounge and play in, Atlantis has heaps of aquatic animals to see. Of course, upon learning about Read More

Is it too soon to say “I Love You”?

It’s that age old question any new couple asks themselves. Is it too soon to say “I Love You”? How soon is too soon? Should I say it first or wait for him? Do I just blurt it out or when is the right time? Thankfully I’m painfully awkward sometimes (all of the time) and Read More

Venetian Nights

Go see Venice at night they said. Soak up the romance of an evening in the floating city.


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Travel Virgin

You always remember your first time.

Although I traveled to Spain in my teens, I don’t consider that my first shot at world travel. Maybe I was too young to truly experience it – maybe it was because I was with classmates – but either way, we’ll skip over it for now. The two hot Spanish brothers I lived with are owed a blog post for themselves anyways.

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